May 30, 2024


Held at Churchinford Surgery at 3:30pm

1) Welcome, Introductions and apologies

2) Approval of previous minutes

3) Items for discussion

  • Election of temporary Chair
  • Election of temporary Secretary
  • Election of Committe Members
  • Signing of PPG terms of reference by Chair
  • Confidentiality agreements for committee members
  • Improving Communication
    • PPG noticeboards
    • PPG email
    • Sharing of friends and Family tests

4) Any Other Business

5) Location, date and time of next meeting


Minutes of PPG meeting Thursday 30th May 3.30pm Churchinford Surgery



Mark Dodds (Practice Manager) MD

Margaret Stocks MS

Ken Pearson KP

Heather Stallard HS

Alec Price-Alexander A P-A

Nigel Hurst NH


Apologies: None

11)    Welcome by MD

22)    Approval of previous minutes (none as last meeting held 2019)

33)    Items for discussion

a.    It was clarified that a core PPG group (to be called the ‘PPG committee’) of up to 10-12 people would be sought from the wider group of patients asking to be members of the PPG. MD will be sending out a call for new committee members. As a purely interim measure temporary Chair and Secretary were duly elected by those present, and all those present were deemed to form the new PPG committee until such time the wider PPG membership has been contacted.

b.    Temp Chair Ken Pearson (Proposed by A P-A, 2nd  NH)

Temp Secretary Nigel Hurst (Proposed by A P-A, 2nd MS)

Committee members MS, KP, HS, A. P-L and NH all agreed to serve.

c.    PPG policy and terms of reference (emphasising confidentiality) was introduced by MD and signed by MD and Chair.

d.    Confidentiality agreements signed by all present (MS, KP, HS, A. P-L, NH)

e.    Improving communication – general discussion about the practice reaching ALL patients efficiently and cheaply (eg to provide rapid information about vaccination or some general problem). MD suggested that about 5% (400) might not have access to email or text messaging. No immediate solution and further thought needed. (Any suggestions to Chair & Secretary)

f.     PPG notice board – to be put up in each surgery with important information and contacts. MD to arrange boards.

g.    PPG email – NH to set up and inform committee via MD

h.    ‘Friends & family’ questionnaire. Members wondered how widely this was known and used. MD to provide data on feedback at next meeting.

44)    AOB

a.    Dispensing of medication at sites was questioned by MS, will sites return to full dispensing when they re open in the afternoons?  MD informed that Acute medications on the day will indeed be dispensed from all 3 sites but Repeat medications will be dispensed from Hemyock and transported to the two sites for patient collection.

b.    At future meetings, MD to provide short update on practice developments, new ancillary staff and any problems.

55)    DONM – Provisional date 1st Thursday in September, 3.30pm Hemyock surgery

66)    Meeting closed 4.45pm
